This measure asks parents and children to rate a series of statements about their beliefs about the world. The parents and children respond to 30 statements on a scale from 5=strongly agree to 0=strongly disagree about their beliefs and how they perceive the world around them.
Clifton, J. D. W., Baker, J. D., Park, C. L., Yaden, D. B., Clifton, A. B. W., Terni, P., Miller, J. L., Zeng, G., Giorgi S., Schwartz, H. A., & Seligman, M. E. P. (2019). Primal world beliefs. Psychological Assessment, 31(1), 82-99. Free full text PDF available at researchgate.
Wave(s) Used
Youth: 13
Parents: 13
Measure PDF
Beliefs about the World PDF