Children were presented with 10 brief vignettes describing ambiguous social situations and were asked to indicate why they think each negative event described in the vignettes occurred. Children’s responses indicated the extent to which children make hostile attributions in ambiguous social situations.
- Dodge, K. A., Bates, J. E., & Pettit, G. S. (1990). Mechanisms in the cycle of violence. Science, 250, 678-1683.
The Hostile Attribution Bias Scale for Children was developed for Parenting Across Cultures based on similar measures of child attribution biases, such as in Dodge, et al. (1990).
- Dodge, K. A., Malone, P. S., Lansford, J. E., Sorbring, E., Skinner, A. T., Tapanya, S., Uribe Tirado, L. M., Zelli, A., Alampay, L. P., Al-Hassan, S. M., Bacchini, D., Bombi, A. S., Bornstein, M. H., Chang, L., Deater-Deckard, K., Di Giunta, L., Oburu, P., & Pastorelli, C. (2015). Hostile attributional bias and aggressive behavior in global context. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112, 9310-9315.
- Iselin, A. R., Di Giunta, L., Lunetti, C., Lansford, J. E., Eisenberg, N., Dodge, K. A., Pastorelli, C., Uribe Tirado, L. M., Bacchini, D., Thartori, E., Fiasconaro, I., Gliozzo, G., Favini, A., Basili, E., Cirimele, F., Remondi, C., & Skinner, A. (2022). Pathways from maternal harsh discipline through rumination to anxiety and depression symptoms: Gender and normativeness of harsh discipline as moderators. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 50, 1313–1326.
- Lansford, J. E., Godwin, J., Bornstein, M. H., Chang, L., Deater-Deckard, K., Di Giunta, L., Dodge, K. A., Malone, P. S., Oburu, P., Pastorelli, C., Skinner, A. T., Sorbring, E., Steinberg, L., Tapanya, S., Alampay, L. P., Uribe Tirado, L. M., Al-Hassan, S. M., & Bacchini, D. (2017). Reward sensitivity, impulse control, and social cognition as mediators of the link between childhood family adversity and externalizing behavior in eight countries. Development and Psychopathology, 29, 1675-1688.
Wave(s) Used
Youth: 3, 5, 6
Measure PDF
Youth Hostile Attribution Bias Scale for Children Measure PDF